Coach Nielsen's Ice Hockey Drills

“The Beast” Penalty Kill System DVD

I purchased “The Beast” Peanlty Kill System DVD from Championship Productions two weeks ago and have watched it a few times since. My thought was that I would like to see what type of concepts Coach Arena was teaching that would be beneficial to my team. I have to say that if you are looking for some guidance on how to run a PK with your team this DVD will be a major help. Coach Arena goes through the entire system starting with the forecheck and continues through the neutral zone and into the defensive zone. His concept of keeping the 2 on 1 as far from the puck is spot on and if played properly can give your team an excellent chance to be a powerful penalty killing team.

Even though I’ve been coaching for almost thirty years I’m always trying to learn and improve, and I sure this DVD will help anyone who wants to teach his team how to be successful on the penalty kill. Championship Productions does a nice job with their video learning and if you haven’t checked them out yet you should give them a try. I recommend picking up a copy of “The Beast” Penalty Kill System, it’s well worth the small price tag.

On a personal note, after watching the video a few times I had some questions so I searched out Coach Arena and he answered my questions in detail and offered continuing help if I needed it.

Here is a link to the DVD.

The Beast Penalty Kill System

Filed under: coaching, Defense, Defense, Penalty Kill, Systems

Interview with Copper and Blue (Edmonton Oilers Site)

Derek Zona from contacted me to discuss the Diamond Penalty Kill and the Edmonton Oilers problems with it. If you’re interested here is the link to the article.

Read the Article

Filed under: coaching, Defense, Penalty Kill,



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